Saturday 21 January 2023

The Bleeding Pastor


Pastors are not superhumans, pastors also experience depression. Many pastors today die early because they are afraid to relate their problems to their pillars, for fear of losing them.
Many pastors are preaching on the alter with ulcer, diabetes, high blood pressure, operate on empty stomach, walk in tutus, but they would never tell you. Many members would leave the church when they hear their pastor is hospitalized awaiting operation. Pastors are also human stand by your pastor; they endure a lot plus all your problems that you take to them; and never will you hear them say they are tired. Let’s not forget them, let’s support them!
A women leader of a church left her church because a man came to the church to hold the pastor because of money he owes him. Members tend to forget that 90% of money pastors own enters the ministry. Stand by your pastor.
Many Pastors are facing marital crisis but are afraid to share with others because we are in a generation that licks the wounds of her soldiers. We are in a generation where you tell a fellow Christian your heart pain, they would prescribe wrong drugs intending to kill you.
Pastors are not Superhumans, they still fall sick, they still encounter financial setbacks, they face Landlord insults, many at times they are arrested. Please stand by your pastor, pray for him because he has a pain he is passing through only him knows and its eating him seriously.
Your pastor also needs encouragements, he also needs support and prayers.
Dear member when was the last time you bought anything and sent to your pastor? Or send an Mpesa. When was the last time you took him out and gave him a nice treat? Pastors are also human.



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