Monday 14 August 2017


  1. Do you know that Moses, Elijah and Jesus had followers, the major follower of Moses was Joshua, for Elijah it was Elisha and for Jesus it was peter and the apostles? (exo.34vs9, 2kgs3vs14,15 john21vs15-17)
  2.   Do you know that they all performed miracles with water, Jesus walked on water, calmed the raging sea, converted water into wine, Moses parted the red sea with his staff, and Elijah parted the river Jordan with his Mantle? (exo.14vs12 exo17vs5 2kg2vs8 matt14vs25)
  3.       Do you know that Moses, Elijah and Jesus had no base? It was due to the fact that they were always on the move. Jesus was always moving from city to city preaching the gospel with his disciples, Moses was also moving with Joshua and the Israelites to the Promised Land and Elijah was always on the move with Elisha declaring the word and judgment of God to the unbelieving nations that worshiped the false god Baal. (matt.8vs19-20 lk.9vs57-58 1kg17 exo.40vs38)
  4.        Do you know that Moses, Elijah and Jesus had encountered clouds in their ministries which signifies glory? Moses had his with the cloud of God, Elijah had his encounter with the cloud of God and Jesus had encounters the cloud of glory. (exo40vs34 1kg18vs44 acts1vs9)
  5.      Do you know that they all encountered fire in their ministry? Moses encountered the fire that burns but never consumes, Elijah encountered the consuming fire while Jesus came to bring fire to the earth. (matt.3vs11-12 exo.3vs2 1kings18vs38)
  6.     Mountainous tops or hills of high elevation was always associated with Moses, Elijah and Jesus for prayer purposes or for meditation. (1kg19vs11 exo.19vs20 matt.4vs23)
  7.      Do you know that theophany is the appearance or visual manifestation of God to man. Moses had God take him to the hill cliff and showed him his back, Elijah had God take him to the mountain and spoke to him in a still small voice and Jesus himself is God because he said I and my father are one. (1kg19vs12 exo.33vs11,23 john10vs30)
  8.       Do you know that River Jordan and the land of Jericho was cursed by Joshua, Moses successor and the curse was reversed by Elisha, Elijah successor? (josh.6vs26 2kg2vs18-22)
  9.        Do you know that after Joshua, Elisha and Peter and the apostle’s era, generation arose that did not know God? Could it be caused by the vacuum that was created due to lack of a worthy successor to these great men of God? Well this is subject to more research.
  10.   Do you know that there were supernatural supplies evident in the ministry of Moses, Elijah and Jesus? Moses in the form of manna and birds, Elijah to the widow and ravens and angelic provision of food. Jesus provision of food for the multitude twice and peter net breaking and boat sinking encounters. (exo.16vs4 1kg17vs4,15 matt.14vs19,20)
  11.  Do you know that both Elisha and Joshua completed and replicated the work of their predecessor and went ahead to do exploits on their own? Joshua took the children of Israel to the promise land while Elisha anointed Jehu to be king.
  12.  Do you know that Moses had to battle Pharaoh to bring Gods children out of the land of bondage, Elijah had to battle jezebel and Baal priests who fought against the children of God and Jesus came to defeat Satan to give Gods children eternal freedom and reconnect us back to God? 
  13.   Do you know that Moses and Elijah were both called MAN OF GOD during their earthly ministries while Jesus was called the Son of God? 
  14.   Do you know that Moses the law giver and Elijah the prophet represented the two principal components of the Old Testament? The law and the prophets points to the messiah and his suffering, death and resurrection.
  15.  Do you know that Moses died and was buried by an angel, Elijah was taken up to heaven and these men appeared to Jesus at the mountain of transfiguration? This is an indication that those who died in the Lord like Moses will be resurrected, and transformed at  Jesus second coming and those of us who are alive would be transformed and given a new body just like Elijah ant Jesus second coming.
Now you know!!!
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