Saturday 21 January 2023

The Bleeding Pastor


Pastors are not superhumans, pastors also experience depression. Many pastors today die early because they are afraid to relate their problems to their pillars, for fear of losing them.
Many pastors are preaching on the alter with ulcer, diabetes, high blood pressure, operate on empty stomach, walk in tutus, but they would never tell you. Many members would leave the church when they hear their pastor is hospitalized awaiting operation. Pastors are also human stand by your pastor; they endure a lot plus all your problems that you take to them; and never will you hear them say they are tired. Let’s not forget them, let’s support them!
A women leader of a church left her church because a man came to the church to hold the pastor because of money he owes him. Members tend to forget that 90% of money pastors own enters the ministry. Stand by your pastor.
Many Pastors are facing marital crisis but are afraid to share with others because we are in a generation that licks the wounds of her soldiers. We are in a generation where you tell a fellow Christian your heart pain, they would prescribe wrong drugs intending to kill you.
Pastors are not Superhumans, they still fall sick, they still encounter financial setbacks, they face Landlord insults, many at times they are arrested. Please stand by your pastor, pray for him because he has a pain he is passing through only him knows and its eating him seriously.
Your pastor also needs encouragements, he also needs support and prayers.
Dear member when was the last time you bought anything and sent to your pastor? Or send an Mpesa. When was the last time you took him out and gave him a nice treat? Pastors are also human.


Saturday 31 March 2018


By Sandra Sadiq
Image result for left behind christians
This is the conclusion from the message from End Times part 2 (Rapture, AntiChrist) from Matthew 24 and this is mainly going to be about the book of Revelation.  And it points out so many things or parts for the people who will be left behind.  So I hope you stay bless reading it and make copies and share it with your love ones and neighbors so they will know what to expect in case any is left behind.  To God be all the glory. 

The meaning of the Word tribulation means grievous trouble; severe trial or suffering and also great misery or distress as from oppression. It means deep sorrows due to afflictions.  Great affliction, trial or distress; suffering.  The Tribulation will actually last for seven (7) years.  It is divided into two (2) parts and the first three and half (3 ½) years is called the Tribulation and the second (2nd) three and half (3 ½) years is called the Great Tribulation.  It is very important that we understand that, especially those who will be left behind because they need to understand what is going to happen in the Great Tribulation. 

“Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week, he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.  And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.” Daniel 9:27(NKJV)

Who are they talking about?  They are talking about the AntiChrist.  He is going to making a peace treaty with the Israelites for one week and during the peace treaty he will break the covenant.  The one week actually means seven (7) years.  In the middle of the one week will be three and half (3 ½) years which will actually be when he will reveal who he really is to the Israelites and they will know that the Israelites made a covenant with the devil’s son (AntiChrist).  So it is very important that we understand where we get the seven (7) years for the Tribulation from.  The second half of the Tribulation is the Great Tribulation.  That is going to be when the wrath of God is poured out on earth so intensely on the earth.  The first half is the tribulation and you can see the scriptures for that is in Revelation 12:14.

“But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.” Revelation 12:14 (NKJV)

Who are they talking about?  They are talking about Israel.  In the first half three and half (3 ½) years we are actually going to be hidden from the AntiChrist but then in the second half of the Tribulations which is the Great Tribulation that is when the intense wrath of God is going to be poured out on the inhabitants of the earth.   So for those who are left behind some of them will experience those things during the Great Tribulation that is if they did not die in the Tribulation.  The other Scriptures for the Great Tribulation can actually be found at Daniel 7:25; Daniel 12:7, Daniel 12:11 and Revelations  13:5.
“He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.”  Daniel 7:25 (NKJV)
This is when?  This is some of things the AntiChrist will do.  If you go through the characteristics (41 things the A/C will do) that I will include in this document or it can be found on under urgent messages.  It actually talks about some of the things the AntiChrist will do.  Some of the things he already says when it comes to God are very interesting.  You just have know the scriptures to know that he is the one (AntiChrist).  It says he shall persecute the saints of the Most High.  He will break the rules and laws that have been set to bring justice and stand for righteousness in the land.  He is going to break all of them and he has already started doing it, and it is all part of the plan to bring that false peace to people who are living in darkness who do not know the truth.  They will love him and they will love sin because one of his names is lawlessness or lawless one. 
I am not going to read the Daniel 12:7 but you can read it yourself.  Then the other scripture is Daniel 12:11.
“And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.” Daniel 12:11 (NKJV)
That is during the 2nd three and half (3 ½) years (Great Tribulation), he is going to set up his image in the temple where the sacrifices are made in the temple in Jerusalem.  During the seven years peace treaty in the middle of it, he will break the covenant with the Jews and he will set up his image in their temple and he will demand for them to worship him because in his mind he thinks he is thee god.  The reason why I read those scriptures is because it lets us know the time frame.  The last one I am going to read is Revelation 13:5 and it states.
“And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months. Revelation 13:5” (NKJV)

What is that forty-two months? That is during the Great tribulation.  In order for one to understand the book of Revelation they will have to read and study the book of Daniel; from Daniel chapter 7 through Daniel chapter 12.  Most of the things there talks about the End Times especially about the AntiChrist and what he will do.  In Daniel 12:1-2

1 “At that time Michael shall stand up,
      The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people;
      And there shall be a time of trouble,
      Such as never was since there was a nation,
      Even to that time.
      And at that time your people shall be delivered,
      Everyone who is found written in the book.
 2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
      Some to everlasting life,
      Some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Daniel 12:1-2 (NKJV)
It is very important that we understand that God spoke to Daniel about all these revelations before Jesus even came in the form of Man on this earth.  Daniel was getting all these revelations about the Rapture, and how the wrath of God is going to be poured on the earth in the End Times.  So those who are dead in Christ will arise, Daniel 12:2.  It talks about all these things in Daniel chapter 12.  In Daniel 12:4,
“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”  Daniel 12:1-4 (NKJV)

Daniel was told to seal the scroll and that at the End (End Times) many including myself are running to the book of Daniel and God is imparting great revelations and great knowledge about what is happening and what will happen on earth.  Daniel 12:13, Daniel asked the Angel will I still be alive when these things happen in the End but the Angel told Daniel,  “But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days.”  What does that mean?  Christians do not die but rather the Word of God calls it rest, because when we die in the physical realm it is call resting.  Daniel was told, during the End of Time, he will be resting but at the End of Days (the Rapture) he will arise at the sounding of the Heaven’s trumpets.  Daniel will be resurrected with the dead in Christ and will meet the Lord in the clouds.  We who will be alive then will then meet the Lord in the clouds too; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.  Now, you know what “rest” means.  When the people in the Body of Christ die they rest (or fall asleep). 

We are now going to talk about the seven seals.  The seven seals will start being opening during the Tribulation and it will go all the way through the Great Tribulations.  The Scriptures about the Seven Seals can be found at Revelations 6:1-16, Revelation 8:1-13 thru 9:1-21, 11:15-19.  I am going to read only a few of the seals. 

“Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.”  Revelation 6:1 (NKJV)

1)   1 SEAL   
o   White horse
o   The conqueror (A/C)
The 1st Seal’s rider is sitting on a white horse and it has been given power to conquer.  Who is this man that Revelation 6:2 is talking about, that is the AntiChrist.  He has been given powers but even after the Rapture he will be given extra more powers to go and conquer.  He is conquering now but he is doing it peacefully because he has not been activated as the son of the devil yet.  So you understand the AntiChrist is conquering what he is doing now is he is pulling people into himself, ie. people liking him and winning more people to his side.  It is very important my brothers and sisters in Christ that we understand these things.  We really don’t have time and we need to be ready for the Rapture.  If you need more information about the AntiChrist you will have to listen to sermon part I. 

2)   2 SEAL
o   Red horse
o   Conflict on Earth
o   Take peace from earth and that people should kill one another

The second 2nd Seal’s rider is sitting on a red horse and it has been given power to take peace from the earth.  That people should kill one another.  There is going to be a great conflict on earth, oh that is going to be such a horrible time on earth.  People are going to be killing each other left and right and death is going to be all over the earth. 

3)   3 SEAL
o   Black horse
o   Scarcity on Earth
o   Scales in his hand
The 3rd Seal’s rider is sitting on a black horse and there is going to be scarcity on earth and a scale in the rider’s hands.  That is going to be starvation on earth, people are not going to have enough food to eat or enough to be and etc.  The first three Seals are believed to be open during the Tribulation period which is the first three and half years.  Which we have already talked about the first three and half years of the Tribulation is called Tribulation and the second three and half years is called the Great Tribulations.

o   Pale horse
o   Wide spread o f death on Earth
o   Over 4th of the Earth to be killed with sword, with hunger, death and the beast of the earth.

The 4th Seal will be the start of the Great Tribulation.  It’s rider is sitting on a pale horse and it will be wide spread of death on earth and over 4th of the earth will be killed with sword, hunger, death and the beast of the earth.  The bible tells us 1/4th of the earth is going to be killed, a lot of people are going to die.  When the 3rd Seal is opened it talks about it been hard for people to have or buy food and that will lead also to lots of death when the 4th Seal is open.

5)   5 SEAL (Read Rev 6:9-11)
o   Under the Altar the souls of those who had been slain for the Word of God and for their testimony
o   Scarcity on Earth
o   Scales in his hand

When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.”   Revelation 6:9-11 (NKJV)

It is very important that Christians understand the fifth Seal, especially those who will be left behind.  It says Revelation 6:9-10, “when he opened the fifth Seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held.  And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”   This is during the Great Tribulation, the AntiChrist will be going after Christians, and he will be killing them.  Let’s keep reading verse 11 reads, Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.”   This is a clue that lets us know there is going to be a Second Rapture but this one will be during the Great Tribulation. 

One of the men I minister with at the prison said the Old Testament is a mirror image of what did happened and was and is to happen in the New Testament.  It lets us know when the bible says “rest” as we saw in the book Daniel (chapter 12:1-2), it means born again Christians who are dead or die, rest and like it was told Daniel, he will be resting at the End of Days (End Times) but at the sounding of the trumpets (Rapturing of the Bride of Christ) because the dead in Christ will arise first (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17), Hallelujah.  Those who were killed (martyred) for the Word of God and for the testimony had to rest a little while until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who would be killed as they were was completed (during the Great Tribulation), Hallelujah.  So there is a Second Rapture hidden in there.

6)   6 SEAL
o   Cosmic Disturbance
o   A great earthquake, Sun becomes black
o   Moon becomes like blood and Stars fell down

The Sixth Seal will consist of a cosmic disturbance, a great earthquake, the sun will become black,  the moon will also become like blood and the stars will fall down from the heavens.  It is not going to be a good on earth for those who will still be alive during that time.  The Sixth Seal was also spoken about in Matthew 24 by Jesus our Lord.  All those signs will lead to the Second Coming of Christ, Hallelujah. 

7)   7 SEAL (REV 8:1-13 thru 9:1-21, 11:15-19)
o   Consists of the 7 Trumpets
The Seventh Seal, you can read about at Revelations 8:1-13 thru 9:1-21, 11:15-19.  The Seventh Seal will consists of the 7th Trumpets.  Oh my goodness that will not be a good time for anyone to be alive but there will still be some people alive during that time.  Some will be running from the AntiChrist and his followers.  Also the AntiChrist and his followers and those who have not died yet are still going to alive. 

THE 144,000 SEALED ISRAEL   (REV 7:1-8)
We are now are going to talk briefly about the Sealed Israel.  Remember so many Israelites don’t believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.  In Revelation 7:1-8, it talks about the sealed Israelites.  The 144,000 Sealed Israelites and how did they come up with that number or how and why were they chosen?  The 144, 000 sealed Israel is gathered from 12,000 men from each of the 12 tribes of Israel.  If you want to know the original 12 tribes of Israel is from the 12 Sons of Jacob (Israel). Read Genesis 35:23-26.
Original Tribe of Israel from the 12 sons of Jacob (Genesis 35: 23-26)
o   Leah = Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulum

o   Racheal = Joseph and Benjamin

o   Bilhah (Racheal’s maid) = Dan and Naphatali

o   Zilpah (Leah’s maid) = Gad and Asher
But when you get to Revelation 7:5-8, the Sealed tribe of Israel is slightly different.  It actually gives us the listings of all the 12 Sealed tribes of Israel and we see that when we compare our notes form Genesis 35:23-26, we see that Manasseh has now become part of the final Seal tribe.  So which tribe has been eliminated from the original tribe?  It is the tribe of Dan.  Manasseh was not one of the sons of Jacob but rather he was a grandson son of Jacob.  Manasseh was Joseph’s first born.  Joseph had two sons.  Read Genesis 41:50-52.  Read and understand the blessings Jacob prayed over his Joseph, his grandsons and then Jacob’s other sons they can be found at Genesis 48:17-20, 49:1-28 and also the blessings he prayed over Dan, Genesis 49:16-18.  The last time the tribe of Dan was ever heard of in the bible was in Amos 8:14.  The tribe of Dan became idol worshipers instead of worshipping the Almighty Living God.  And we all know or should know how much God hates that because we were created to worship Him not anyone or anything else.
These 144,000 Sealed Israelites, they are actually all males they have never defiled themselves with a woman.  They are virgins and God considers them as His first fruits when it comes to mankind.  Neither was any deceit was found in their mouths.  The Sealed Israelites are alive now but they do not know who they are now but they will be sealed after the Rapture.  Especially during the Great Tribulation they cannot and will not be killed by AntiChrist.  Those are the only people on this earth that will be sealed by God so they will not see death.  They will be the number one people on the hit list of the AntiChrist and his followers.  The AntiChrist will be sending his followers after the Sealed   Israelites and also those who have given their lives to the Lord after the Rapture but the Sealed Israelites will and cannot be killed by anyone not even the AntiChrist.  
The Lamb and the 144,000
1Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having[b] His Father’s name written on their foreheads. 2 And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder. And I heard the sound of harpists playing their harps. 3 They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the four living creatures, and the elders; and no one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed from the earth. 4 These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These were redeemed[c] from among men, being firstfruits to God and to the Lamb. 5 And in their mouth was found no deceit,[d] for they are without fault before the throne of God.”  Revelation 14:1-5 (NKJV)   

Verse 3 says no one could sing the song except the 144,000 who were redeemed from the earth, Hallelujah.  To God be all the glory.  So we see in those scriptures we previous read that Sealed Israelites were not killed.  If they were not killed so then how did they get to the throne of God.  This is the other clue that there is going to be a second Rapture. 

I remember, as I was doing all these End Times studies with our Lord, I had this thought,  “How come the Sealed Israel are all males and none of them are females.”  I did not ask the Lord but then He answered my thought anyway, we truly serve an Awesome Living God.  He said, Sandra one of the reasons why they are all males is because during the Tribulation it is going to be so intense especially during the Great Tribulation, they are going to be running for their lives, preaching and teaching the Gospel, (please keep in mind they will not be the only ones doing that but rather also some of the people who were left behind will be too who have finally rededicated their lives etc. to the Lord).  The Lord said they will go sometimes days to weeks without shower and etc. and sometimes it is going to be so hard for them to come up with food and etc. He also said sometime the work is going to be so intense that the way I created the woman’s physical being it is going to be hard for them to be able to do that work.  I was so stunned by the answer our Lord gave me all I could say or do was say wow, He is so amazing, I just love Him so much.  I don’t ask God everything but rather sometimes I just think about some of my questions, ideas and etc. and He answers them.   Those of us who have been living, working and fellowshipping with our Lord know that sometimes He even answers our thoughts.  .  It is an awesome thing for God to even answer our thoughts or answer our heart desires before we ever make our request known unto Him.  That is why we should not entertain sinful thoughts and ideas because He is holy and we need to have holy thoughts, thoughts with no sin in it so He can enjoy them too


The Great Tribulation will lead to the Second Coming of Christ.  If you want to know more about that please read from Revelation 19:11-21. It talks about different things that will lead up to Christ’s Second Coming and also some of things that will happen during His Second Coming.  It also states we are going to come down from Heaven those who will be in Heaven with Him with the New Jerusalem. Read Revelation 21:2.  It also gives the description of the New City (New Jerusalem) and how the walls of the City have twelve foundations and on them are the names of the twelve Apostles.  It also has great walls with 12 gates and the names that are written on the 12 gates are the twelve tribes of Israel.   Read Revelations 21:9-27.  We already know from our previous studies that Dan was eliminated and replace with Manasseh.  And God is going to be at the New Jerusalem with the Lamb (Jesus our Lord) and there will be no need for light because of how bright God Almighty and the Lamb are, Hallelujah.   Revelation 21:23 and 22:5.  The bible has a lot to say about the Second Coming of Christ. 

People keep asking are we going to be here for the Great Tribulation and etc. but the answer is No for the Bride of Christ and unless you are not part of the Bride of Christ and will be left behind.  My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, it is written in the Word of God that,

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” Revelation 3:10 (NKJV)

God is telling us because you are my Children in Christ because you have kept my command, you obeyed Me and My Words and lived a life of holiness and righteousness.  I also will keep you from or allow you to escape this hour of trial that means the hour of tribulation that is coming unto the inhabitants of the earth for those who disobeyed God and His commands.  So now you know what the Word says pertaining to the Bride of Christ during the Tribulation, when people try to tell you know the Word of God and also what it means so you will not believe anything anyone comes and tells you. 
Now I want us to talk about those who will be left behind.  It is very, very important that we understand we have to live a life of holiness, righteousness and a life of total obedience to the Word of God.  I always tell people, everywhere I go or whenever I get the opportunity not only when I am preaching or teaching.  I always tell them three very important things which will lead to living a life that pleases God.
1) You put God first in all you do, you love Him with all your heart, love Him more than anything or anyone else
2) You love your neighbors as yourself
3) You witness, share the Gospel with others (no matter where they come from or who they are not just our families)
Because the love of God that has been shown to us, we are to also share it with others not just our brothers and sisters in Christ but also to the unbelievers too.  When we share the Gospel with unbelievers it gives them a chance for them to also one day come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior too.  The heart desire of Jesus is for souls that none should perish.  So if we truly love Him we will not be shy when it comes time for us to witness or be embarrassed.  The Word of God says if anyone lacks boldness we should ask.  Pray for boldness so you will be able to do the things of God.  But I will tell you this, when Holy Spirit of God nudges you and tells you, you need to stand up for righteousness or justice etc. and because you want to be a people pleaser instead of a God pleaser with your brothers and sisters in Christ or even unbelievers then we are not able to say the things God has called you to say or do.  How are you ever going to grow in boldness because God is already nudging you through His Spirit.  Remember the Holy Spirit of God is our teacher and everything.  So it is very important that we know these things and remember He is a Gentle Person and will never force Himself on us. 
Now adays it is so hard to preach and teach the truth Word of God (not for me though because I am totally my God pleaser), why?  It is because people don’t want to hear the truth and so many people have compromise the Word of God just so they can have larger congregations and have more friends on earth and etc.  Like I always say you might dislike me now for preaching the truth Word of God and not teaching feel good messages but when you get to the Kingdom of God you will thank Him for sending me to  preach or teach the whole truth so you can get Ready for the Rapture or incase we  end up resting before the Rapture.  Even for those who go to church, when our brethren in Christ rebuke us etc. we are so quick to say they are been judgmental whiles it is actually a deception from the devil so we will not receive rebuke so we can keep maturing spiritually.  The people who rebuke us, it is because they love us and they want us to know what it takes to enter the Kingdom of Heaven so that at the sounding of the Trumpets we will not be left behind.  So then why is it that when God rebukes us we don’t say He is judging us.  The bible says those He loves He rebukes, corrects.  It is very important that we learn all these and know why people rebuke us. 

I want to talk a little bit about what is about to happen on earth.  These are some of the things that are going to be happening moments after the Rapture.  Don’t fool yourselves into thinking that you might still have time if the Rapture happens and you still get left behind.  You will still get a chance to repent and finally really believe and give your heart total to Jesus and also live that life of total obedience to Him. Now I am going to give you some of the example of things that are about to happen on earth after the Rapture.  I am not saying every pilot is a born again Christian but some are and I want you to understand if you are in a plane and your pilot is part of the Bride of Christ that means they will be Rapturing so they will vanish in a twinkle of an eye.  Which means that plane is going to crash, whiles at the mean time you don’t even know that your pilot has vanished (Rapture) and you and probably  the rest of the people on board will not even have seconds to even repent and accept Jesus or rededicate your lives to the Him.  Planes are going to be dropping from the sky all over the over the world causing great chaos all over. 
During the Rapture people are going to be vanishing in a twinkle of an eye all over the world.               It will be such a great time for the people Rapturing but a disastrous time for those who will be left behind.  Just imagine you are in a public transportation, in a train, a ship (cruise, etc.), boats etc. the operators from some of those transports might and will Rapture so who is going to be operating them when they operators vanish in a winkle of an eye because they are part of the Bride of Christ.  It might even take some minutes before anyone realizes they are gone and all of us know all it takes is a second for an accident to happen.  Sometimes they can be so deadly too.  When I am driving my car I love seeing those stickers people have on their cars that says “If you are behind me when the Rapture happens know that this vehicle will not be operated.”  They are trying to tell you in case of the Rapture they will be Rapturing so their vehicle might hit your vehicle and you might die on the spot and etc.  The truth is some people might not get that second chance to give their lives to Jesus after the Rapture and it could be anyone of us so we cannot take any chances because those people might end up in the gates of hell.  That is why it is very important that we live the life God has called and created us to live now.  My brothers and sisters don’t get confuse, we don’t have time, we really, really, really don’t have time now.  I was sensing the power of God going through my body as I was reading the message.  It is very, very important that you don’t take these things for granted.  Even if you are in my car and I am the one driving, you don’t know the Rapture is happening or is about to happen neither do I.  I might drive the car into another vehicle, a tree or even over a bridge, dam or river etc. and right then the other people in my car in case they don’t get Rapture they might get in a critical accident or even die on the spot etc.  Those people will go to hell. 
Don’t get confuse into thinking you have time, now is the time, so let all of us live the life God has called us to live.  If the Rapture happens during winter time just imagine how bad it will be.  Even our Lord told us we should pray that the Rapture does not happen in winter; Matthew 24:20.  Why did Jesus say that?  It is because those people who are living in cold places in different parts of the world it might be winter there and keep in mind all the accidents that will happen moments after the Rapture all over the world.  There will be numerous power outages all over the world.  Those people who will be living at those places where the season will be winter they will not be able to turn on the heat or do so many things due to the power outages.  Some people might freeze to death and those who only have refrigerated food will starve (hunger will kill them) to death and etc.  So it is very, very important that we live the life God has called us to live now not tomorrow so that we will not be left behind or find ourselves in the gates of hell.  Because when we get left behind there is nothing that is promise to us that we might end up entering the gates of Heaven because only those who will be able to only accept Jesus into their heart and lives but also they will have to resist the devil in so many ways including refusing to accept the Mark of the Beast (666). 
You will have to understand with all those power outages and all the other things that will be happening moments after the Rapture it is going scary for those left behind and most will not even be aware the Rapture has taken place and so many people are going to be so afraid.  Remember that is going to be the same time that the AntiChrist will be active as the devil (devil’s son, like God said to me one day the AntiChrist is like the son of satan just like Jesus is thee Son of the Almighty Living God) too.  The AntiChrist is going to control everything.  It will actually be better for those who will be living at tropical areas during that time.  The people who will refuse to receive the Mark of the Beast (666) guess what?  Those people will not be able to get power (electric) to their residence, so that means we will not be able to get heat into their houses and etc.  We really don’t have time, so many don’t even realize the Mark of the Beast (666) is already ready and so is the AntiChrist.  It is very, very important that we know these things and we are taking all these things so lightly.  How are you even going to put gas (fuel) in your car?  The AntiChrist is going to control everything, the bible talks about this.  The only people who can buy and sell are those who have receive the Mark of the Beast in either their right hand or forehead.  If you get the Mark to you are doom for the eternity in hell.  The bible talks about this and how crucial it is and will also be that people know all these things before hand. 

15He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or  the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” Revelation 13:15-18(NKJV)

Revelation 13 verse 15.  It tells us the AntiChrist will allow so many to be killed because they refused  to worship his image.  So he will be coming after those people who will give their lives to Jesus and refuse to take the Mark of the Beast because the moment anyone accepts the mark that means they are mark to spend eternal life in hell with the devil.  Matthew 24:16-18, tells us those who will be left behind should not go to the cities and etc. that people need to run away from the cities especially those who have not repented of their sins yet or given their lives to the Lord (which will include all the Lukewarm Christians because if they had been a Bride without spot or wrinkle they would have been part of the Bride of Christ that were Raptured) and  need to do as soon as possible before they are caught or beheaded by the AntiChrist and his followers.  Run for your lives because it is very important that we understand that it will be easier for the AntiChrist and his followers to control the cities more suburbs but sooner or later they will get there too.  Don’t deceive yourselves once again into thinking you can defeat or fight the AntiChrist.  The only way you can defeat him, his followers and the kingdom of darkness or hell is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and working out your salvation with fear and trembling. 

It is also very important that we all understand just because someone refuses the Mark of the Beast and does not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and is killed by AntiChrist’s and his team does not mean they are going to Heaven or spend eternal life with the Lord.  They will actually have to repent of their sins and ask Jesus into their hearts and others will have to rededicate their lives back to Jesus again (those will be Lukewarm Christians).  I really don’t know how many times I can keep repeating these words probably till it finally sinks in your spirit that we don’t have time and you don’t want to take anything lightly.  Even after the Rapture, it tells us he (A/C) is going to be in power not only in the physical realm but also in the spiritual realm.  He will be in power in the sense that he is going to be controlling the world, since he is satan son or right hand man he too believes the lie there is no God that actually he is the god.  The AntiChrist is going to be controlling everything including the media and he will do all he can to try to convince people there is no such thing a Rapture, that the Rapture did not happen and it is actually an alien that has adapted them or they have been kidnapped.  It is the AntiChrist’s job to be used fully by the devil to try to do all he can so people will deny the existence of Jesus  and also that the bible is a lie so many will end up spending eternal life in hell.   My brothers, sisters and the unbelievers don’t believe those things because it is part of the plan from the enemy so we will not know the truth especially for those who will be left behind.  

Revelation 13 verse 16.  The AntiChrist will cause many to receive the mark, so it does not matter who you are during that time if you are poor, rich, old, middle age, middle class and etc. he is going cause all to receive the mark (666) so it is very important that we know all these things.  We serve an awesome God who put all these things on paper so we will not be deceived but we will have knowledge about what is about to happen on earth. 

Revelation 13 verse 17.  The people who will be able to buy or sell will be those people with the name of the Beast or his Mark.  Oh my brothers, sisters and unbelievers since we know we are already in the End Times and some are not sure if they are going to Rapture, but some do know because God has already told them that they will be Rapturing but it does not mean those people should fall asleep in the spirit now because they too can be left behind especially with they start going back to their old lives.  If someone is not Christian they already know they cannot be Rapture because the bible says those who are His (God’s) have His Spirit dwelling in them, Hallelujah.  The Word of God also says Jesus is coming for a Bride (Christians) without spot or wrinkle; Ephesians 5:27.  So if you know you are living a lukewarm life you cannot and will not be Rapturing.  We need to start storing up some food etc.  No one will be able to buy or sell, whether to go to work and etc. remember money is going to be useless.  Everything is going to be done through that Mark (666), that Mark. 

It is very important that we don’t take it lightly that after the Rapture we might get a chance to some of us can’t even fast for one day so just imaging going days without food you might end up not being able to resist the devil by refusing the Mark just for food sake.  Some people like I said before will or might die on the spot and they will end up in the gates of hell because after the Rapture they were part of those people who did not get a second chance to repent and give their lives to Jesus Christ.  They were probably in the airplanes, vehicles etc. or around places where people operating those transports were, so they did not know even for them to run and hide somewhere for safety.  The airplanes will be falling from the sky and they will be hitting public, residential areas, private places and etc. so if you are there and you have been left behind guess what those things will be coming right unto you and you will not get a chance to repent.  You might not get a chance to repent or give your lives to the Lord, Jesus. 
Please make copies of this sermon and also please feel free to sacrifice some of your personal time and translate this some into the main languages of your country and dialects so people can read it too and give them to your love ones the saved and the unsaved.  So that they will know and understand what is about to happen on earth.   Even now we don’t have time.  At the end if we chose to live for God or not we will all make an account for the lives we have lived here on earth to Him.  Whether we chose to be Christians or not we will all be judge at the end.  Those who will to accept Him will at the end also spend eternal life in hell. 

I want to go over some things that I need you all to keep in mind.  One of those things is that I want everyone to buy bible not just bible but with an “s”.  When those people left behind comes into our houses and etc. they will and can have access to them.  Please don’t hide or put them at places where it will be difficult for them to find them.  Do you think after the Rapture the AntiChrist and his followers will allow them to go to the store and purchase those things?  First of all we just realized people will not be able to buy or sell unless they belong to the AntiChrist by them receiving the Mark of the Beast (666).  People will need to know the Word especially the parts that pertains to the End Times and Salvation (how to accept Jesus into their hearts).  So they will be prepared for what is about to happened to those who will be left behind and what it says about those who will receive the Mark and those who will not and will give their lives to Jesus.  I am talking about buying hard copy bibles and leaving them in your houses, offices, businesses, lockers, cars and etc.  So that those who might go to those areas will be able to find them before the AntiChrist and his followers get there and try to destroy the Bibles and Christian tracks or kill them.  
Not forgetting the Mark of the Beast information that we (Heaven Is So Real ministry) has put together and now we have over 17 translations from all over the world.  Some of those people will not even have time to read the whole bible or a small portion because they will be running for their lives and other things.  The bible says this guy (Mark of the Beast man/AntiChrist) that he will be so evil.  Sometimes when I look at him and I can see darkness just straight evilness in his eyes, just full of lies and deceit.  So why do so call Christians (if you ask me those are the Lukewarm Christians) love him because they themselves are walking in darkness and are ignoring all the nudges Holy Spirit is giving them especially concerning who this man is.  This man is so evil he will make Hitler and world’s most hideous dictators look like nothing.  He will be going after (killing) all those people who will refuse to worship him; Revelation 13:15.  So it is very important we make the Mark of the Beast information sheets and leave them around the house for those who will be left behind.  And for now we should be printing them and passing them out to people everywhere we go so that at least people can have the knowledge of what is about to happen before the Rapture happens.  We should leave those things on the refrigerators and etc., places where it will be easier for people who will be left behind can find even our family members and neighbors.  So those people can find the info sheet and know we have being Raptured but they can still get a chance to spend eternal life with the God so long as they repent of their sins and give their lives over to Jesus Christ. 
Don’t get so caught up in using bibles and etc. on-line, like I said before the AntiChrist will control everything including the internet.  You cannot rely on those on-line bibles, Christian programs or website and etc. especially after the Rapture.  Remember after the Rapture most places are not going to be any power period and very soon after that the AntiChrist is going to be controlling everything so you will defiantly not be able to access those Christian sites, or channels not even if your receive the Mark those programs and stations will be blocked completely.   When you go to those Christian websites or see things on the television that touches your heart especially about the End Times and how to endure the trials and tribulations that will come during our life time and also for those who will be left behind and etc.  Please make copies, print them record them and leave them in a binder or a place where it will be easy for those left behind to find and also mail them to your loves ones, neighbors, friends all over the world. 
Please share the information with as many people as you can both Christians and non Christians and tell them not to throw them away they will surely need those information very, very soon. After the Rapture they will know that those who were on fire for Jesus were not crazy but they will just warning them and etc.  Make copies of especially End Times teachings, sermons and etc. including this one find the cd and or hard copies and make copies and send them all over to people.  I also talked about how to endure for us before and after the Rapture so it is very important people do not give in to the demands of satan and his followers ie. AntiChrist and his followers.  So they will know exactly what is coming upon them and also they will have the information so they can be overcomes.  Also you need to highlight certain parts of the bible and make notes so they will know exactly where to find certain or specific information’s in the bible.  Have some of the things typed if you know your regular hand writing is as bad is mine because you want to make sure they can read it.  They need to know how to accept Jesus into their hearts some of the people who will be left behind have never even heard of John 3:16.  It is very, very we leave these notes for them.  I have a copy of even the Mark of the Beast information sheet in my car and also a bible (a copy of the NKJV).  I have lots of bibles in my house and so many tracks of even this End Times sermon and also part one of the End Time Sermon on CD’s and not forgetting so many countless sermons also in my house.  I pray whoever will be left behind and will come and dwell in my house will have a heart for souls like never before so they can be used by God after the Rapture to win souls, Hallelujah. 
We need to buy mp3 players not the ones that use electricity (or needs to plug into a computer to be charged etc.) but rather the ones that use batteries. Also buy cd players, cassette players that uses batteries.  If you don’t receive the Mark of the Beast too you will not have electricity when the AntiChrist finally starts controlling everything.  The truth is you don’t want to use any of those electrics where they can be controlled like monitor and track people with and etc. even if you can assess them don’t even turn them on and also do your best to make sure they are all unplugged if you are not going to use them because some of those things they will be able to track or monitor them.  If you turn them on they will know you are there and they will come for you.  It is very important that you the reader understands these things.  Everything will be controlled by the AntiChrist.
Buy lots of water and can foods, the water you can buy them in bottles or containers and etc. and leave them in the house or your residence.  I really don’t know how long it will take before the AntiChrist will start beheading (killing) people because they believe in Jesus but I am been very serious about these things so you will know what is about to happen on earth.  I already told you about the power outages, so when that happens you cannot rely on the foods in the refrigerators, you cannot because some of those foods will only last for some hours and they will start getting spoiled.  So you will have to buy can food, like cereal, powered milk and can foods with expiration dates that will last at least a year or more.  We have to be ready and waiting daily for the Rapture knowing now that there is nothing more left for God to do other have the angels of Heaven sound  the trumpets of heaven then we will be out of here, so the choice is all yours.  DO YOU WANT TO BE LEFT BEHIND TO GO THROUGH THE WRATH OF GOD ON EARTH OR YOU WANT TO BE RAPTURED?  That choice is all in your hands so decide this day who you will serve with all your heart.   There is no in between(Lukewarm Christian) it is either you are for and with God through His Son Jesus our Lord and Savior or you are for satan. 
I have already spoken about the tropical areas, it will be good to be there but remember if you are going to run to tropical areas because it will be winter at the area where you reside then you are better off doing it right after the Rapture because you will not have time or be able to.  The Antichrist is going to be activated as the devil right after the Rapture and he is going to be controlling the highways, streets and everything.  If they (A/C and his followers) scan you and you don’t have the Mark you cannot travel and etc.  Buy some wood for the fire places and etc. but sooner or later it will also alarm people that there is someone living there too.  You know if you are going to be left behind get ready and even now you can start preparing for your love ones who have not yet accept the Lord as their Lord and Savior or even some of our loved saved ones who are living lukewarm lives.  We are still going to be praying for them daily but we are still not going to take any chances or take anything lightly.  The Word of God says the children of God perish because of lack of knowledge so then what do you think is happening to the unbelievers.  Like the person who lives across from my hall (residence) said to me one day she knows Jesus, to be honest with you I was shocked but every time she is off work and she opens her door all I smell is alcohol I have to care enough to leave materials around for her too, why?   Because the bible makes it very clear that drunkenness will not inherent the Kingdom of Heaven so for now I know she is going to Rapture which I know because of what the Word of God says.  Please don’t think I am judging I am stating a fact from the Bible.   Please don’t ignore all these signs God loves all people and wants to save them all just like He saved us too. 
In Matthew 24:16-28, our Lord was talking about us fleeing from the cities to the mountains and that those who are out of their residence during the Rapture they should not go back to their residence for anything but should run away from those places with what is on them at that moment.  I am telling you it is going to be so intense because the Antichrist is coming to kill and destroy as many as he can who will refuse to worship him by refusing his Mark or name (666). 
The First Seal says, he was giving power to conquer not just in one place but all over the world.  Unfortunately people will be hungry, starving, some will be sick, ill and etc. some will give away their souls to the devil because of medication and some will also give away their souls for food just like Esau did.  People will spend eternal life in hell because of food and because of lives of luxury.  Please who every is reading this information warn people and also if you are one of those who will be or has been left behind please, please don’t receive the Mark for any reason because Jesus loves you and He also died for you on the cross for your sins to be forgiven too.  Because you have been left behind and is going through hardship that your human mind cannot comprehend does not mean God does not love you.  Please cry out to Him and He will make you strong in your time of weakness so you can resist the devil; read 1 Corinthians 10:13 (Amplified version).  Even if  you feel like you cannot endure the hardship any more or refuse the Mark of the Beast yes, you can my Sister or Brother, just believe His Word and Trust Him with all your heart.  
13For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin), [no matter how it comes or where it leads] has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not [a]adjusted and [b]adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear]. But God is faithful [to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will [always] also provide the way out (the means of escape to [c]a landing place), that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently.  1 Corinthians 10:13 (Amplified Bible)
But the unfortunate thing is the life of luxury that people are welling on living by them receiving the Mark of the Beast  is not going to last because very soon they will realize how evil this man is and they had already given their lives to the Beast (the devil) and it will be too late.  I remember I was flipping through the channels on the television and I came across a movie called “Moments After” on TBN.  I really did not like that movie and I will tell you why.  Don’t get confused that moments after the Rapture that and those who are left behind and they receive the Mark in that movie, one of the man who received the Mark was actually able to get the Mark removed from his hand and he eventually got saved.  That is a lie from the pit of hell.  The moment someone receives the Mark remember God sees all things so even if eventually they are able to remove the Mark out of their bodies it is too late because they have already been mark for hell the very moment they received the Mark.  When you receive that Mark God knows you have received it so please don’t deceive yourself, you can deceive others but never God.  After you receive the Mark you can go and cut off your hand and all these craziness it is not going to work, God already knows you have received the Mark. The moment you receive the Mark(666) you are mark for HELL.   
Women, the saved and the unsaved, only God knows who is going to be Rapture so buy sanitary napkins, have all those things females will need especially during their monthly cycles and leave them in the houses or wherever your hiding places are going to be.  Buy pads, toilet papers, first aid kits because people are going to be running for their lives and some will get hurt because of all those accidents.  Some of those people might not die on the spot but if they get hurts and some of their wounds are not treated they might end up getting seriously ill and dying from the wounds or hurts that they endured during those times.  It is really going to be great disturbances on earth like it has never been seen before.   All the wars they have seen on this earth cannot be compared to what is about to happen on earth and even what is written in our history books cannot be compared to what is about to happen on earth for those who will have to go through the wrath of God on earth.  Just imagine God said it in the Bible that what is about to happen on earth has never been since the earth was created.  I believe because He is not man who should or can lie; Praise Him.
Remember in the days of Noah, all those who were left outside the Ark, what they had to go through and they were all eventually killed by the rain and God said and says what is about to happen after the Rapture cannot even be compared to that.  So my brothers and sisters, don’t fool yourselves even your cars might be good for only a short time if it does not get destroyed by all the accident because you will not be able to buy fuel any more.  Don’t forget to also buy even generators.  Guess what in your houses if you don’t buy the water and food etc. which are essentials for human survival and store them at your hiding places then you will be in much need quickly than those who did prepared for those left behind.  If you know you are not living the life God has called you to then you are better off starting to prepare quickly before it is too late.  Even if you get Raptured hopefully this will be of great help to those who are left behind.  I really can’t tell you how long it will take the AntiChirst and his followers to eventually get to your hiding places.  Once again the bible makes it very clear that so many were beheaded because they refused to worship the Antichrist and John in the book of Revelation saw a multitude from all nations of the earth that he could not neither could anyone number them at the Throne of God and that was during the Great Tribulation. 
Buy some good running shoes, especially for those women who like only heels or etc. Those shoes will not be good anymore neither will anyone be able to get anywhere in uncomfortable pair of shoes especially if you are running form someone or something.  Buy some comfortable shoes and leave them in the houses or your hiding places and hopefully when the Rapture happens and your are left behind you will be in your houses or hiding places but remember in the book of Matthew 24, Jesus warns us not to go to the house for anything.  So if you don’t have those necessary items in your possession, please don’t go to your houses to pick those items up.  Those whom when the Rapture happens they are in the houses and etc. they can pick up those items and flee (run) to their safe places.  Those people can only take so much too because the more they will take the harder it will be for them to be able to move around, they will only be able to take a little unless they store most of the items already at their hiding places. 
Those people who will give their souls to the devil by receive the Mark of the Beast for those luxury lives it will only last them a little while and afterwards hell will be their final resting place because they will be deceived by the Antichrist and his followers.  My brothers and sisters don’t get deceive into thinking that you have time, you do not and now is the time.  We have to live the lives God has called and created us to live lives of holiness, righteousness and total obedience to His Word.  This is not the time to be playing games or jokes we already know we are in the End Times please if you are not sure and still doubting that we are in the End Times then please do yourself this much and listen to sermon part that I did.  Or email me with your mailing address or email address and I will send you a copy.  There truly is nothing else left for God to do (fulfilling prophecies before the Rapture) they are all fulfilled already and the only thing left is the sounding of the trumpets of Heaven, Hallelujah.  We should live that life that is pleasing unto God to bring Him honor and glory and also to escape the wrath that is coming on this earth. 

We are now going to go over some of the scriptures that talks about who will not enter the gates of Heaven and also those who will not enter the New Jerusalem.  I want to us to go over a couple of those scriptures. 
“Now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear (obvious): they are immorality, impurity, indecency, 20Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper), selfishness, divisions (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions, heresies), 21Envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you beforehand, just as I did previously, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21 (Amplified Bible)

“But as for the cowards and the ignoble and the contemptible and the cravenly lacking in courage and the cowardly submissive, and as for the unbelieving and faithless, and as for the depraved and defiled with abominations, and as for murderers and the lewd and adulterous and the practicers of magic arts and the idolaters (those who give supreme devotion to anyone or anything other than God) and all liars (those who knowingly convey untruth by word or deed)--[all of these shall have] their part in the lake that blazes with fire and brimstone. This is the second death.  Revelation 21:8 (Amplified Bible)
The Word of God says blessed is the one who is part of the first Resurrection, Hallelujah; Revelation 20:5-6.  They will spend eternal life with the Almighty Living God and the Lamb (Jesus), it is very important that we understand all these things, we serve an awesome God. 
27But nothing that defiles or profanes or is [a]unwashed shall ever enter it, nor anyone who commits abominations (unclean, detestable, morally repugnant things) or practices falsehood, but only those whose names are recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life. Revelation 21:8 (Amplified Bible)

Praise our God for the Lamb’s book of Life, Hallelujah. 

15[But] without are the dogs and those who practice sorceries (magic arts) and impurity [the lewd, adulterers] and the murderers and idolaters and everyone who loves and deals in falsehood (untruth, error, deception, cheating). Revelation 22:15 (Amplified Bible)

So you see whether it is a big lie or small lie the bible makes it very clear that liars will not inherent the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Now we will go over Revelation 21:8.  Now a days people don’t just worship images that are hanging or sitting around in their houses or jobs and etc. which some people still do but majority of the people including some Christians, what we do is we idolizes people, things, possessions (our Pastors, Bishops, leaders in of our congregations and etc. jobs, cars, houses, spouses, children, professions and etc.) these things are our idols and we worship them instead of God in our hearts.  The Amplified bible breaks down the definition of idolaters (those who give supreme devotion to anyone or anything other than God).  That is so deep, I hope we are all searching our hearts to make sure we are not worshipping anything other than God.  Just because we all don’t have little or big buddha’s etc. does not mean that we might not be worshipping other idols in our hearts.  We are still idolizing things or people in our hearts.  Just like I told you when the Lord gave me the revelation about my relative whose name is not written in the book of life.  God said it is because my relative worships the Antichrist in his heart that is why my relative became very upset with me when I tried to warned them about who that man is without even revealing that man is Antichrist.  Every day one of the things I pray for is wisdom to live my daily life pleasing unto God and also to have wisdom to minister to the Saved and the unsaved.  That day God made it very clear to me that relative of mine is not saved despite he has been to church, fasted and paid his tithes before so such people I will not cast my pearls to them.  My brothers and sisters we should not play with God.  Just because His judgment is delayed does not mean it will not come to pass and it is sooner than we think and during that time believe me you don’t want to be on earth. 

We are now going to break some of the words used in Revelation 21:8 down so we will make sure we truly understand them fully.

o   Cowardly means a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.

Sometimes the moment we are in the fire (facing trials and etc.) as born again Christians then we say oh no, we do not want to go through that or those fires.  So we throw in our towels and we start going back to our live our sinful lives because we do not allow God to prune those things in us which are not of Him.  Sometimes too when it is time for us to stand for righteousness and thinks then we refuse to because we want to be cool with the people around us so we will rather behave cowardly than stand firm on the Words of God.  Those people who truly love Jesus they get persecuted day and night and they really don’t have friends and most of the time people don’t like them because they don’t tell people what they want to hear neither do they do things that others want them to especially those things that are not pleasing in the sight of God.  Those are the Christians who are truly set apart for the God because they know God hears and sees all that they do so their goal is to live each day a life pleasing unto God.  In the book of Psalms, David said who can truly hide from God no one.  So why are we living pretending and behaving like God cannot hear or see anything that we do.  Cowards will not inherent the Kingdom of God.

o   Unbelieving means a disbeliever; especially, one who does not believe that the Bible is a divine revelation, and holds that Christ was neither a divine nor a supernatural Person; an infidel; a freethinker.
Such a person cannot inherent the Kingdom of God because they do not even believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of the Almighty living God so it is impossible for them to become a born again Christian because it is only through believing and accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior that is how we are saved because only He paid the ultimate price for our salvation. 

o   Abominable means Hateful; detestable; loathsome; worthy of, or causing, abhorrence, as a thing of evil omen; odious in the utmost degree; execrable.

o   Sexually immoral violating moral principles; not conforming to the patterns of conduct usually accepted or established as consistent with principles of personal and social ethics

So how come we cannot see or believe that all these immoral sexual acts will led as in the gates of hell.  Which it includes homosexuality, there is no where in the bible that we see God allowing any marriage or relations of the save sex or gender to be okay but rather He calls that an abomination.  So don’t all those bibles or books written by people filled with demonic spirits telling us it is okay to live those live styles and still enter the gates of Heaven, It is a lie from the pit of hell. Masturbation and etc. are all sexually immorality.

o   Sorcerers means A person who practices sorcery; black magician; wizard

o   All liars means A person who knowingly utters falsehood; one who lies.
All liars will not inherent the Kingdom of God but at the end the will be send to hell to burn for eternity.  The bible makes that very clear so my dear brothers and sisters in Christ our sacrifices is not going to get us in the gates of Heaven but rather our obedience to the Word of God is and will, so it is about time we stop telling people what they want to hear and start telling the truth.  Don’t tell lies to make others feel good it is a sin and you doing that will surely led you into the gates of hell if we do not repent and turn away from those sins.  You are actually better of not answering people than to open your mouth and lie because lying is a fruit of satan that is why it says the Antichrist is a deceiver and a liar.  Lying is not a part of the fruits of the Spirit of God.  I know I don’t want to go to hell for my own sins, I sure will not go to hell because I became a people pleaser instead of  living a life pleasing unto God.  The reason why we do our best to please people instead of God is because we do not have a God fearing heart.  Do not forget that God sees what we do and hears everything we say which is all recorded down too. 

We will have to overcome all the temptations, trials, tribulations and the devil so that we can have our  eternal rewards at the end of the race, Hallelujah.  Brothers and Sisters in Christ we are to endure until the very end so that we are not considered cowards so we can finally receive our eternal rewards.

 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it. Revelations 2:17 

“He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son” Revelation 21:7

I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works. Revelation 2:23; 22:12.   

So why are we sitting my brothers and sisters in Christ and thinking we are all going to receive the same rewards, we are not. That scripture above confirms it, that we are all going to receive our rewards for the work we have done here on earth, Praise our Lord. My dear family in Christ, get up and witness, minister and help building the Kingdom of God by sharing the Word of God by us loving our neighbors enough to share the Gospel with them.  You don’t have to wait for any Pastor or leader in the Body of Christ to ordain you or finish some theology school but rather just get up and move in faith and Holy Spirit will do the rest.  Just obey the Word of God and He will do the rest by allowing you to flow in boldness the more you do it act by faith. 

Sometimes people laugh at me and some call me a fanatic or she is too deep and etc. but it does not bother me because I know the love that our Father has for me, Hallelujah.  Some even go far by saying there she goes again she lost weight so she is probably fasting again and even some say when they get to Heaven they will have the same reward as me.  If that is not a lukewarm kind of thinking, I am out of words, I really don’t even know how or what to say about that.  To me it is so funny because God knows my heart and He knows I am not doing all these things for a reward but rather that I have the love and compassion of Christ for Souls and to be honest if I did not I will not be able to do this work I was created for neither will I be able to live the life I am living now.  It is all by the Grace of God.  I know to whom much is given much is also required, so I am doing all I can to please God and to live the life He has called and created me to.  I never want God to regret the day He created me.  I love Jesus and I do my best to live daily a life of total obedience to Him so when I make sacrifices for Him and His Kingdom sake truly it is such a great honor to me.  I really don’t even think twice about how I live or the sacrifices that I make for Him because I love Him so much.  When it is all said and done and I get to Heaven all I want The Father, Son and Holy Spirit to give me is the most beautiful smile ever that He will say I know you never thought you will make it but I had you all along Sandra, oh what a joy that day will be for me.  That is the same desire I want you (my brothers, sisters and unbelievers)  to have for God, just trust Him, believe in Him because His Word will never come back to Him void but rather it will accomplish what it was send onto this earth to do, Hallelujah. 

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work.”  Revelation 22:12. 

So once again why do we think we will not be rewarded for the work we have done here on this earth. 

“But hold fast what you have till I come. 26 And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations.”Revelation 2:25-26 

If you have already heard sermon part I which was mainly about the signs before the Rapture then you will understand we all have to be over comers until the end to be saved, so we can spend eternal life with God.  Read Matthew 24:13. Once saved is always saved is a deception from the gates of hell because that scripture makes it very clear that one can still lose their salvations that is why it is very important for us to endure until the very end.  You have to be an over comer even if you have been left behind, you will have to overcome the plans and tricks, and temptations of the devil so you will not receive the Mark of the Beast (666).  No matter what you cannot receive that Mark or you will be doomed for hell for eternity.  Yes, even if you will have to be beheaded do get beheaded it is better than spending eternal life in hell.  Don’t commit suicide because you will always go to hell for that.  The book of revelation when the wrath of God is poured out intensely on earth in the later part of the Great Tribulation it says people will seek death but they will not find it.  Don’t deceive yourselves that because you serve Jesus twenty years ago or now if you take your life you are going to heaven, oh no you will spend eternity in hell.   

 “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.” Revelation 3:5

You and I, our names will be in the book of life so long as we overcome the world and it’s temptations, trials, tribulations and etc. 

 “Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. 12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name.” Revelations 3:11-12.

Even though most of us are going through trials and tribulations hold fast to your faith to Whom you have come to believe in and don’t allow anyone or anything to take away that crown whether it is through fornication, masturbation, homosexuality(sexual immortality),  lying, drunkenness(through drugs alcohol and etc.), cowardly, idolatry, slanders, and etc. Bad company corrupts good character so even if our family members or neighbors love living these live styles it does not mean we surround ourselves with such people all the time but rather do your best to share the Gospel with them too so they will come to know Jesus and stop pleasing their flesh. Read 1 Corinthians 15:33.  Are any of those things or us maintaining such relationships worth us losing our salvations.   Revelations 3:11-12,  is such a beautiful and powerful scripture with so much hope.  What else could we possible desire more this promise, Praise His holy name.   We need to stop building earthly possessions and build our relationships with our Lord and building the Kingdom of God by witnessing, ministering, giving away tracks and stop sitting at home and praying for boldness to go out there to share the love of God through His Son Jesus with others.  In doing all those things mentioned we can inherent all these things that God has promised to those who love Him.

“To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.”  Revelation 3:21

This is Jesus talking.  To see God for Who He is, that will be such an awesome thing my Creator and the Creator of the Heavens and the earth. What else can we desire for other than to spend eternity with God.  My brethren in Christ, work out your salvations with fear and trembling and overcome the works of the flesh, trials, tribulations, whether, divorce, backbiting, laid off or you do not have anything else.  Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But  the Lord delivers him (us) out of them all; Psalm 34:19.  It does not say some or a few but rather “ALL”.  Remember the Word of God says “I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread,” Psalm 37:25.  Know the Word of God and use them in you your prayers and meditation because it has to accomplish what it was send on this earth to do.  We do not serve a God Who lies but rather an Awesome and True living God and whatever He has said and or is written in His Word will surely come to pass. 


In conclusion I want to read three scriptures to you. 

“Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”  Revelation 22:7

Our Lord has send people to warn us, to sound the warning trumpets that He is coming so when we get left behind or enter the gates of hell it is not God’s fault.  Because has done all He can do for mankind even now He has send and is sending prophets and raising prophets up in every nation and nations.  Even sending people like myself who are not prophets but rather anointing us in these last days (End Times) with very special anointing use to do His End Time Work in warning and preparing His Bride for the Rapture and those who will be left behind to know what it takes to enter His Kingdom.  To also preach and teach His Word so people will know what it takes to enter His kingdom.    

12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”[a]  14 Blessed are those who do His commandments,[b] that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.  16 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” 17 And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”  Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17.

Revelations 22:14 says blessed are those who do His commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life.  It does not say blessed are those who say His commandments but rather we have to be doers of His commandments, His Words not just that we hear them and repeat them verbally and yet no actions we must act on His Word, Hallelujah.  Like we say we don’t just talk the talk but rather we have to also walk the walk which means we don’t only preach, teach or memorize scriptures by we have to actually live by the Word of God.  We have to obey the Word of God not only when it makes us feel good but all the time even when we are facing hardships.  This is how we will have to live daily in order to live a life that is pleasing unto our Lord God.  We have to love our God above all, love our neighbors as ourselves and then witness every chance we get.  So at the end we can enter through the gates into the city, which is the New Jerusalem and it is going to come from Heaven, the City that was not built with the hands of man but God Almighty, Hallelujah. 

“He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.”
Amen.  Even so, come, Lord Jesus!  (MARANATHA)
Revelation 22:20.

One of my favorite Scriptures, “even so come, Lord Jesus,” which is where we get the word Maranatha from. 
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